Flash Builder 4 Standard를 Flash Builder 4 Premium으로 업그레이드 하기
2010. 12. 7. 21:26
원문에서 설명된 3가지 경우 중 맨 아래의 경우만 한글로 옮김.
CS5가 설치되었으며 활성화된 경우
Note: 아래의 절차는 Creative Suite를 비활성시키며, 재활성시키기 위해서는 CS5 시리얼 넘버가 필요합니다.
- FB4 이외의 CS5 제품중 하나를 실행한 후, Help > Deactivate를 선택한다. Deactivate Permanently를 선택한다..
- 앞서 실행했던 CS5 제품을 종료한다. Flash Builder를 실행한다.
- Flash Builder에서 Help > Deactivate Flash Builder가 선택 가능한 때에는, 선택한 후 Deactivate Permanently 옵션을 선택한다.
- Flash Builder를 시작한 후, Flash Builder Premium의 시리얼 넘버를 입력한다.
- Flash Builder를 재시작해서, 활성화 되도록한다.
- 다른 CS5 제품을 실행하고, CS5의 시리얼 넘버를 입력한다..
Upgrading Flash Builder 4 Standard to Premium requires deactivation of the existing installed product. If you have installed Flash Builder with Adobe Creative Suite 5, reactivate Creative Suite after completing the deactivation process.
Upgrade instructions if CS5 is not installed
- Open Flash Builder and choose Help > Deactivate Flash Builder. Select Deactivate Permanently.
- Restart Flash Builder and enter the Flash Builder Premium serial number when prompted.
Upgrade instructions if CS5 is installed as a trial
- Open Flash Builder and enter the Flash Builder Premium serial number when prompted
- Restart Flash Builder so that the product is activated correctly.
Upgrade instructions if CS5 is installed and licensed
Note: This process deactivates Creative Suite and you'll need a CS5 serial number reactivate.
- Start one of the CS5 products other than Flash Builder 4, and choose Help > Deactivate. Select Deactivate Permanently.
- Quit the CS5 product you started in step 1, and then start Flash Builder.
- In Flash Builder, if Help > Deactivate Flash Builder is enabled, select it and use the Deactivate Permanently option.
- Start Flash Builder and enter the Flash Builder Premium serial number when prompted.
- Restart Flash Builder so the product is activated correctly.
- Start any other CS5 application, and enter the CS5 serial number when prompted.